Services We Provide

Expanded News and Articles

Accreditation managers need to monitor continually evolving laws, regularly, regulations, appellate and supreme court cases, liability issues, accreditation standard updates, accreditation standard interpretation issues, to only name a few, in order to keep their organization compliant and out of legal trouble.  This task has been assumed by the staff of the Coalition. As an essential service, we provide this information to accreditation managers on an ongoing basis through an expansion of the news and articles section.  Urgent, time-sensitive updates will also be provided through our mailing lists with expanded details on the website for members.

Real-Time Working Group for Accreditation Managers

The Coalition maintains a “working group” on Facebook Groups for our Accreditation Manager members who hold an Agency Membership. The purpose of the group is to bring all our Accreditation Manager members together in one place where we can discuss compliance and policy issues in real time. You can join the group by clicking on the link below. When registering to join the group, you will need to supply your name and department’s name; this is to assure confidentiality. Unknown registrants will be required to prove their employment with a law enforcement organization that is an Agency Member of the Coalition. You will need a Facebook account to join; it’s free.


The Coalition will periodically host online webinar training.  Most of this training will be included for Individual and Agency members and focuses on specific issues relating to accreditation.  Past topics included:  Working with PowerDMS Standards, New Accreditation Standards, and New A.G. Directives.


Periodic regional workshops, hands-on training sessions, working groups are hosted throughout the year.  This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about standards, policy development, and network with other accreditation managers and executives to discuss issues related to your program.


Entering into an accreditation program is a rewarding experience for most law enforcement agencies.  For some, failure to perform an upfront analysis of their operation to identify gaps in their policies and/or facilities could make the process difficult.  Knowing what monetary or manpower to invests in such an undertaking prior to enrolling in a program is essential to the success of the program.  The Coalition will help identify your pre-program shortfalls so you can better prepare for the process.

Unfortunately, the degree in which the Coalition(s) member must involve themselves in this process varies greatly from agency to agency.  A visit to some agencies may only take a few hours while others may require multiple visits.  Please contact the Coalition to discuss any possible fees associated with this service.

Pre-Assessment Peer Review of Accreditation Files

Before you deliver your completed accreditation files to your assessor for official review, they should be checked for critical and fatal errors or omissions that could result in the loss of your accreditation status. If an assessor finds one of these issues during their off-site review, it will be a serious problem for you and your agency. Our team of professionals, trained in their specific standards, will review your files for matters such as this and bring them to your attention in any official capacity.

  • PowerDMS Standards review – Conducted remotely
  • Paper Files – Files delivered to each participating team members

Pre-Assessment Facilities Walk-Through

The single most problematic area for any assessment is the facility inspection. The Coalition aims to prevent these types of problems by performing a 4-hour systematic walk-through of a candidate department’s facility and utilizing a comprehensive checklist perform a thorough inspection just prior to an agency’s official visit by assessors.

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